45+ Best Thanksgiving email subject lines

Who doesn't love Thanksgiving? It's a time for gratitude, feasting, and cherished traditions shared with loved ones. Beyond its cultural significance, Thanksgiving presents a golden opportunity for businesses to connect with their audience and boost sales. Whether through sharing relevant Thanksgiving content, offering enticing discounts, or simply joining in the celebration, email marketing provides an ideal platform.

To help you maximize this opportunity, we've curated a list of compelling Thanksgiving email subject lines that capture the holiday spirit.

Best Thanksgiving newsletter subject lines

As a business, you have the power to enrich your audience's Thanksgiving experience with meaningful and relevant content. Whether you share heartwarming stories, offer gratitude-inspired tips, or provide ideas for festive activities, your Thanksgiving newsletter can foster a deeper connection with your audience.

Here is a collection of captivating subject lines to compliment your content and engage your subscribers in the spirit of Thanksgiving:

Gratitude spotlight: share your thanks

Delicious Thanksgiving recipes await

Giving back: our Thanksgiving mission

Family fun: Thanksgiving activities

DIY décor delights for Thanksgiving

Taste the joy: Thanksgiving recipes

Join us in giving thanks!

Create memories: Thanksgiving edition

Grateful gatherings await you

Cheers to Thanksgiving cheers!

Feast your eyes on Thanksgiving ideas

Spread the love: Thanksgiving edition

Cook up some Thanksgiving magic

Together we give: Thanksgiving special

Family fun time: Thanksgiving edition

Thanksgiving sale email subject lines

In recent years, Thanksgiving has become more than just a time for gratitude and feasting—it's also synonymous with enticing sales and discounts. If you plan to launch a Thanksgiving sale, crafting a compelling email is essential to cut through the holiday noise and capture your audience's attention. 

To help your promotional emails stand out in crowded inboxes, grab subject lines that will pique interest and drive engagement during this festive season:

Turkey day treats: shop now!

Gobble up savings today – 20% off

Feast on deals: shop now!

Thanksgiving flash sale: 15% off

Giving thanks with discounts!

Save big this Thanksgiving - 25% off

Turkey time discounts await!

Give thanks for savings – 30% off

Thanksgiving sale: don't miss out!

Grateful for savings: 20% off

Harvest your savings now!

Thanksgiving delights: shop now!

Gratitude discounts await – 15% off

Turkey day bargains inside

Stuff your cart with savings: 20% off

Thanksgiving greetings email subject lines

Celebrating even more during Thanksgiving is always a great idea. If you want to foster a deeper connection with your customers, why not send them a heartfelt message to mark the occasion? Email is the perfect medium for such greetings. 

Here, you'll find subject lines that extend warm wishes to your customers, ensuring they feel appreciated and valued during this festive season:

Thankful for you!

Happy Thanksgiving, [First Name]!

Giving thanks!

Thanksgiving joy!

Grateful for you!

Cheers to Thanksgiving!

Warm Thanksgiving wishes!

Gobble gobble, [First Name]!

Thankful hearts!

Happy Turkey Day!

Giving thanks, [First Name]!

Thanksgiving blessings!

Grateful for your support!

Joyful Thanksgiving!

Warmest wishes!

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Hero illustration

Open Sesame: Subject lines to get your emails read

Your perfect email won't matter if it won't be opened. Want some inspiration? Check these robust subject lines, designed for maximum opens of your promotional emails.
Hero illustration
Hero illustration

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